1.147,00 €
BURL B1: Preamp e DI serie 500 che porta il rivoluzionario calore della BURL direttamente nella tua Lunchbox.
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BURL B1 – Basati sullo standard della serie API 500, il preamplificatore B1 è stato progettato come complemento ideale per il convertitore BURL B2 Bomber ADC. Grazie al trasformatore in ingresso BX3 e al trasformatore in uscita BX2 (entrambi proprietari), B1 Mic Pre assicura calore, profondità e chiarezza. Il Preamp B1D è esattamente uguale al BURL B1 ad eccezione del trasformatore d’uscita BX4 che fornisce un suono terribilmente Rock.
Circuito completamente discreto in classe A e Path privo di condensatori. B1 garantisce un Punch eccezionale sulle percussioni, timbriche eleganti sulle chitarre, calore e presenza sulle voci.
L’ingresso di linea/intrument consente di collegare anche chitarre e bassi elettrici (direttamente dal pannello frontale) oppure segnali di linea; questo rende B1 perfettamente adatto anche scaldare e rendere più uniformi i propri Mix o tracce singole.
Specifiche Tecniche:
BURL custom BX3 input transformer
BURL custom BX2 nickle ( B1) or BX4 iron ( B1D ) output transformer
audiophile, discrete, class-A, direct-coupled, capacitor free circuit path
stepped gain control
independent output level control
70 dB gain
impedance select
1/4” front panel DI input
30 dB pad for hot signals and balanced line level input
phantom power
phase reverse
tri-colored gain level indication
love and thunder
Step Back – Here come the B1 and B1D… Introducing the B1 and B1D MICROPHONE PRE AMPS from BURL AUDIO. Based on the API 500 series form factor, the B1 is meant to compliment the B2 BOMBER ADC and the B80 MOTHERSHIP and will give you multi-channel pleasure. With the proprietary BX3 input transformer and BX2 output transformer, the B1 MIC PRE delivers warmth with depth and clarity.
The B1D is the same as the B1 except that it has an all iron BX4 output transformer giving it a more terrifying rock tone. An all discrete transistor, class-A, direct coupled, capacitor free circuit path, gives the B1 amazing punch on drums, beautiful tonality on guitars, and warmth with presence on vocals.
The B1 and B1D come complete with both Gain and Level controls. If you want that heavy, gainy tone, crank up the stepped gain control and offset that with the level control. If clean tone is your thing, turn the gain down and crank up the level. For ribbon mics and other low impedance sources, the B1 has a transformer coupled impedance select.
The B1 was rigorously tested with the popular Royer R-121 in the low impedance setting, and we think it sounds pretty f***ing bitchin’’ on guitar amps. The B1 gets the best out of any microphone, whether it be dynamic, condenser or ribbon. Use the B1’s 1/4” instrument/line input on the front panel, plug in, crank up the gain and go. The PAD switch allows for hot signals and balanced line inputs through the mic XLR on the back panel. Run your tracks or mixes through the B1 for warmth and glue. The B1 was designed to rock. Run multiple B1 channels for your rhythm tracks and you are there. Replace EQ and compression with true analog PHAT. Run your primary tracks through the B1 mic pre, follow with a B2 Bomber ADC and that’s about all you will need.
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