5.900,00 €
Dopo il successo di Model 7, Bricasti Design annuncia M7M, processore di Riverbero Mainframe: un esatto duplicato del Processore di Riverbero Stereo M7 con ridotti controlli sul pannello frontale. M7M è stato pensato per essere usato assieme al M10 Remote Console (incluso).
Bricasti Design
Model 7 Mainframe Stereo Reverb Processor.
Con sede a Medford, Massachusetts, Bricasti Design è stata fondata nel 2004 dai veterani dell’industria audio Brian Zolner e Casey Dowdell. L’azienda si dedica alla progettazione ed alla produzione di prodotti audio della miglior qualità, inclusi gli apprezzatissimi M7 ed M10 (incluso). Il nuovo Model 10 Remote Console (incluso) è un remote controller hardware dedicato al processore di riverbero stereo M7. Il corpo dell’M10, come quello dell’M7, è fatto di solido alluminio laminato anodizzato con un design robusto e resistente nel tempo. L’M10 è stato progettato con l’obiettivo di essere molto semplice da usare e facile da interfacciare grazie all’interfaccia seriale standard RS422. In uso, può essere molto utile quando si utilizzano più di un M7 o quando c’è bisogno di rimanere nello sweet spot mentre si eseguono delle regolazioni in un ambiente di missaggio piuttosto grande.
The new Bricasti Design M7M Reverb Processor Mainframe is an exact duplicate of the M7 Stereo Reverb Processor with reduced front panel controls, and is intended to be used in conjunction with the M10 Remote Console. As it is necessary to have an M10 for control, the M7M is made available bundled together with the M10 in several different configurations, with one or more M7Ms, and is offered as a stand alone product for customers wishing to add more channels of Bricasti processing to their M10 based setup without duplicating unnecessary user interface controls. Pictured is our System 1, the M10 with one M7M that can be used as a stand alone product or added to your M7, adding more processing and remote capabilities to your studio.
The Bricasti M7M Reverb Processor provides the highest level of musicality and ease of control imaginable in a processor dedicated to the task of reverberation. Without any front panel display or face functions, the M7M is designed to work with the Bricasti M10 Remote.
The Bricasti M7M is a modern high resolution digital design, utilizing a stunning array of the latest DSP processors, provides a platform for the long overdue next step in reverb processing algorithms. A separate fully differential analog section and dedicated transformer based linear power supply provide the finest analog specifications of any product of its kind.
The Bricasti M7M features an exceptionally strong stainless steel chassis, and a tooled aluminum front panel to complete an enduring design that is intended to fulfill its role, now and into the future. Each design element of the M7M is a carefully considered statement of our vision of what the evolution of reverberation processing in its most classic form can be. With a deep appreciation of the best designs which precede it, and a passion for moving the science of reverberation forward, the M7M provides a palette of sounds that encompass the familiar as well as new expressions in the art. Listen to the new reference in reverb processing; it will bring new life to your art, in a way unimagined by any process before it.
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