3.525,00 €
Chassis a 10 slot per moduli BAD4 e BDA8. Include scheda BMB4, Versione SoundGrid.
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BURL – B80 MOTHERSHIP: Include scheda SoundGrid.
Il Burl B80 Mothership è la versione multicanale dei famosissimi convertitori B2 Bomber ADC e DAC. Basato su uno chassis a 4 unità rack estremamente resistente e su un sistema di card, il B80 Mothership è composto da 10 slot che possono ospitare card a 2, 4 e 8 canali AD/DA, tutte contraddistinte dalla qualità del signal path dei convertitori B2. Ogni canale ADC è equipaggiato con il trasformatore BX1, mentre ogni canale DAC monta l’op-amp più recente sviluppato da Burl, il BOPA2. Per molti che hanno già avuto modo di provare e valutare le incredibili qualità del B2 Bomber, questo è un sogno divenuto realtà: registrare un’intera band e ascoltare il tutto tramite 24 canali Burl nello stesso momento è un’esperienza realmente affascinante!
Grazie alla sua grande versatilità, il B80 Mothership può essere configurato in moltissimi modi, adattandosi così alle situazioni più varie. Alcuni esempi: se lo studio si occupa solo di mixaggi è possibile installare 8 card BDA8, ottenendo 64 canali di incredibile qualità. Nel caso invece di tracking live, installando 6 card BAD4 e 4 BDA8 si ottiene un sistema 24 in 32 out di pura qualità B2.
Anche le connessioni digitali sono totalmente configurabili, grazie alla motherboard BMB1 inclusa nello chassis. La configurazione standard prevede 2 connettori Digi-link per il collegamento diretto a Pro Tools. Burl Audio ha eliminato la consueta expansion port, installando due primary port che consentono il playback di 64 canali DAC direttamente da Pro Tools con una sola unità, eliminando così anche i collegamenti word clock in cascata; un solo master clock sincronizza tutti i convertitori. Ovviamente se necessario è possibile collegare più B 80 Mothership sincronizzandole tramite world clock in modo stabile ed efficiente. La tecnologia che rende tutto questo possibile è Burl BackBone: si tratta di una backplane ad ampiezza di banda estesa che è in grado di gestire un elevatissimo flusso digitale. Oltre a questo, Burl BackBone fornisce anche tutta l’alimentazione necessaria alla parte analogica. Il master clock viene indirizzato direttamente ad ogni convertitore eliminando così la necessità di PLL individuali.
La corretta alimentazione necessaria al funzionamento delB80 Mothership viene fornita dall’alimentatore BP250 (incluso con lo chassis). Con 250 watt di potenza disponibili e +/-24 volt di tensione applicata è possibile alimentare in modo ottimale fino a 80 canali di circuiti in classe A.
Per il completo controllo di tutto il routing realizzabile tramite il B80 Mothership e per il monitoraggio del metering è stata inclusa nella card BMB1 un collegamento USB. Non si tratta di un’interfaccia audio, ma di un collegamento strettamente dedicato al controllo. In futuro sarà possibile collegare via USB un display touch screen. La flessibilità del design del B80 Mothership consente agevole integrazione e upgrade anche hardware.
The BMB4 features an Ethernet port for 64 IO channels of Waves SoundGrid connectivity. SoundGrid is an Audio-over-Ethernet networking and processing technology developed by Waves. SoundGrid provides extremely low-latency, high-channel-count audio processing using standard Intel CPUs and 1 Gbps Ethernet networks for studio, live sound, and other real-time professional audio applications. Real-time audio processing is performed on standard Intel-based plugin servers, running a Waves-customized real-time version of Linux. Waves SoundGrid audio over Ethernet technology is a robust, proven system for audio over IP networking. Amongst the competing standards for audio over IP, SoundGrid boasts impressive, low latency. With 6 BAD8s and 4 BDA8s a 48×32 IO can be achieved. With 2 BAD8s and 8 BDA8s a 16×64 IO can be achieved. With the configurability of the MOTHERHSHIP the IO possibilities are limitless.
BMB4 SoundGrid Features:
• 1 SoundGrid Ethernet port
• 2 BNC Word Clock outputs
• 1 BNC Word Clock input
Simply put, the B80 MOTHERSHIP has redefined digital recording. For anyone who has felt that digital recording has been lacking soul, warmth and musicality, the B80 MOTHERSHIP is the answer. Building on the technology of the two-channel B2 BOMBERS, the B80 MOTHERSHIP was forged from BURL AUDIO’S deep dedication to analog class-A circuitry. The result is not only heard, it is felt. The MOTHERSHIP stands out from every other interface on the market not because it is colored, but because it does not sterilize the source.
Pushing the boundaries once again, the B80 MOTHERSHIP AD/DA converter has up to 80 analog channel capability. Using a card based system, and a heavy duty 4U chassis, the B80 MOTHERSHIP employs 10 card slots with 2, 4 and 8 channel AD/DA cards, all with the B2 quality signal path.
Every ADC channel uses a proprietary BX1 transformer and every DAC channel has the latest BURL AUDIO discrete op-amp, BOPA2. For many who have already embraced the B2 BOMBER, this is a dream come true. Recording an entire band and playing back through 24 channels of BURL AD/DA at a time is a truly beautiful experience. With a completely configurable AD/DA, a converter for any situation can be realized. If you just mix, load up the B80 with 8 BDA8 cards for 64 channels of mind blowing fidelity. If you track live, 6 BAD4 cards will give you 24 B2 quality inputs, and 4 BDA8 cards gives you 32 channels of outputs. Rocking!
Digital interconnect is also completely configurable, and controlled by a swappable motherboard. BURL AUDIO offers three digital motherboards, the BMB1 (Digi-link) , BMB2 (MADI) and BMB3 (Dante). The BMB1 comes standard with two DigiLink connectors for direct hookup to Pro Tools. BURL AUDIO does away with the expansion port, making both primary ports. That means you can play 64 DAC channels straight out of Pro Tools with one unit!
The BMB2 features two optical MADI ports for use with ASIO or CORE AUDIO PCIe MADI cards. With two optical ports, 64in/64out at 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k, and 32in/32out at 176.4k, and 192k are supported.
The BMB3 features two Ethernet ports for use with DANTE enabled DAWs and any DANTE enabled device, such as a digital mixing console. With two DANTE ports, 64in/64out at 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, 96k, and 32in/32out at 176.4k, and 192k are supported.
No more cascading units with multiple word clocks. All channels can run off of one internal master clock. Good bye word clock generator! Of course if you do need more channels, multiple B80 units run flawlessly with tight clocking. With each BCLK card, add 9 additional word clock outputs per slot. 92 total word clock outputs are possible per B80 MOTHERSHIP.
The technology that makes this all possible is the BURL BACKBONE. The BURL BACKBONE is a high bandwidth backplane delivering incredible digital audio throughput. Master clock travels directly to each converter eliminating the need for individual PLLs.
The B80 MOTHERSHIP is the result of over 20 years of tireless research and development. The no compromise, no BS design strategy is immediately apparent in the build quality.
Configuring a B80 MOTHERSHIP is literally a snap. Slide the card down its card guide, snap it in the BURL BACKBONE, turn the hand screws, and you’re there.
There are also plans for film and broadcast grade “Black Face” cards where channel density and price per channel are of greater concern.
Powering a unit like the B80 MOTHERSHIP takes some juice, so we designed the BP300 to drive the 80 channels of class-A analog circuitry. With a 250 watt continuous power capability, and +/- 24 volt rails, a multi-channel AD/DA converter is finally getting the power it deserves.
The B80 MOTHERSHIP takes care of virtually any music, broadcast or film recording situation, revolutionizing pro audio as we know it. In this digital era, many yearn for the tone of records past, and analog tape is becoming a lost art. The B80 MOTHERSHIP clearly bridges this analog to digital gap.
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