3.399,00 €
Quested H108 è il monitor passivo a 2 vie di casa QUESTED, dotato di Woofer da 8″. Le dimensioni compatte lo rendono facilmente trasportabile – eppure la sua potenza può tranquillamente raggiungere un “Big Sound”. H108 è un monitor NearField progettato per bassissimi livelli di distorsione, una caratteristica sonora pura ed un Imagining impeccabile.
I Drive sono costruiti secondo i più alti standard, assieme ad un semplice circuito Crossover. Grazie alla curva di impedenza piatta, QUESTED H108 offre la flessibilità di poter essere abbinato alla maggior parte degli amplificatori professionali sul mercato.
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Top of the Line: Quested designed this near-field monitor to outperform the competition with low distortion, musical characteristics, and accurate stereo imaging.
Emphasis on Quality: The emphasis is on drive units of superior quality and crossover circuits that eliminate unnecessary complexity.
Flat Impedance: With the flat impedance, you can power your H108 with almost any professional amplifier.
QUESTED H108 is the smallest of the Quested passive monitors. Primarily designed to be used in a nearfield or a meter-bridge position. It utilises a single 8” custom LF driver and silk soft dome HF with front firing ports. The hand built crossover network offers a very efficient and transparent passive network. Delivering an exceptional and accurate sound stage along with the ability to produce a high SPL when required, the H108 has become a favourite with the mastering and broadcast community. The H108 is also the monitor that Roger uses at home.
- Dimensions: 240(w) x 404(h) x 244(d) mm
- Weight: 12 kg / 25.5 lb
- Drivers: Bass cone – 1 x 200 mm (8 ”)
- High Frequency: Soft dome – 1 x 28 mm (1 ⅛”)
- Maximum SPL: 107 dB continuous pink noise @ 1m Leq 1 minute. 113 dB continuous pink noise per pair @ 1m Leq 1 minute
- Frequency Response: 82 Hz-20 kHz ± 2 dB / 46 Hz-22 kHz -6 dB
- Connector: Single pair binding posts
- Impedance: 8 ohms
- Sensitivity: 90.5 dB @ 1 m
- Power Requirements: Amplifier rated at 8 ohms delivering between 60 and 200W RMS per channel
Quested H-Series is the home of passive studio products.
Whilst the benefits of an active monitor are clear in terms of consistency and partnering of components, we also appreciate that some may prefer a passive speaker for various reasons of integration of equipment in the studio. We offer three models in the passive range. All the models have a custom, hand built crossover using custom, hand wound components that perfectly match the drivers and ensure a clean transparent response in maintained.
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