Descrizione Prodotto

4.150,00 €
Retro Instruments – Revolver: Compressore Stereo, Stile British
The Retro Instruments Revolver is a highly flexible two-channel all-tube compressor, hand built in the USA with that classic British tone. The Revolver is modeled after the legendary Altec 436 compressor but includes some expanded features to further control the compression in any stage from tracking, mixing to mastering.
Each channel has independent controls for Input, Output, Attack, Release and a Side Chain Filter with the options of 90 Hz and 250 Hz. By engaging the “Link” control, the Revolver will function as a true stereo compressor. The Dual Threshold Control is used to adjust the ratio between 1:5 and 5:1 on each channel, but can also be used to add amplifier saturation to thicken up a vocal, drum bus or the entire mix.
The Revolver is equipped with two beautifully designed and well-lit vintage-style VU meters. A “Meter Zero” control is conveniently located on the front panel to ensure the calibration is spot on every time. Tubes and other components are selected for top performance and proper stereo tracking.
A most desired compression signature
Ideal for the stereo bus and excels at tracking, mixing and mastering
Independent controls with stereo linking, continuously variable input, output, attack, release and threshold
Dual Threshold Control allows control of ratio and amplifier saturation
Low noise and high separation
Differential all-tube signal path
Transformer-balanced inputs and outputs on XLR connectors
Illuminated VU meters
Front panel meter zero controls
Internal tube balancing facility
120 or 240 Volt operation
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