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TREE AUDIO – The Roots Jr.
The Roots Jr. is a non bussing version of the Tree Audio flagship console: The Roots.
It has 8 full-featured channel strips. Excluding the stereo buss and aux sends, the channels are exactly the same as the Roots console.
The Roots Jr. is a non bussing version of the Tree Audio flagship console: The Roots.
It has 8 full-featured channel strips. Excluding the stereo buss and aux sends, the channels are exactly the same as the Roots console.
The Tree Audio The Roots Jr is a 8-channel valve mixer sidecar designed to complement the Roots console.
A reproduction of the famous 820 8-channel sidecar, the Roots Jr features nonetheless some additional features such as additional frequencies and more level control in the EQ section, a built-in limiter with a 250Hz, 6dB/oct hi-pass filter on each channel.
Each channel features balanced mic/line inputs over XLR, HI-Z instrument input and a direct line output. A VU meter can be switched to display input and output levels as well as gain reduction. The preamp section includes Polarity reversal, three-way toggle switch Pad offering a choice between no/-15dB/-20dB Pad.
The 2-way EQ section covers 50Hz, 80Hz, 100Hz and 400Hz for the LF section and 7kHz, 10kHz, 12kHz and 16kHz. The built-in limiter includes a gain reduction control. Each channel features Mute, On and solo switches.
Tree Audio The Roots Jr Overview:
- All Valve Mixer side Car based on the highly popular 820
- All-Valve Preamp, EQ et Limiter full tube on each channel
- Additional Frequencies for additional EQ and Level controls
- Built-in Limiter with 250Hz @ 6dB per octave hi-pass filter on every channel
- balanced mic/line inputs / hi-Z input / line output on each channel
- VU meter switchable showing line in / gain reduction / line out
- Valve controlled Power Supply
- HF Frequencies: 7, 10, 12 & 16 kHz
- LF Frequencies 50, 80, 100 & 400 Hz
- Gain Reduction control for the limiter
- Limiter Switch (OUT, IN , HPF 250 Hz , 6dB / Oct)
- Source selection: Line, Mic, Polarity reversed Mic Input
- 3-way toggle Switch for Pad (OFF, -15 & -20dB)
- Mute, ON , Solo for each channel
- Big ELMA Level control knob
- Hi-Z direct input
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